Why not test your skills at K'NEX Ten Pin bowling?
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You will need:
1. A K'NEX Base kit
2. A "Just K'NEX Ball track" pack, which contains:
2 x K'NEX Track Red - 1m (3.3ft) length
1 x K'NEX Ball half Red
1 x K'NEX Ball half Yellow
16 x K'NEX Connector 5-way for Track Orange
First, assemble the thirty six 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
and join them together with five blue rods, in the positions shown by the yellow arrows in the photo.
Next, examine the red track closely. You will find it is a split tube, which allows the "lug" on any orange track connector to slide inside the tube.
Attach one of the track supporters to both lengths of track, as shown, by sliding it in from one end of the track.
..and carefully attach the track assembly to the frame.
If at any time an orange track connector becomes detached from the track, you will probably need to remove the track assembly from the frame, and rebuild it.
Once the track is fully attached, add the two stabilisers, in the positions marked with yellow arrows.
Your completed ball launcher and skittles should now look like this.
To play the game:
1. Position the ball launcher at one end of a smooth surface such as a table top.
2. Set up the ten skittles an arm's length away from the launcher.
3. Aim the launcher at the skittles, and place a ball at the top of the launcher.
4. Push the ball gently to start it rolling.
5. Each player is allowed two turns, and we suggest that you use the scoring method of real tenpin bowling.
In addition:
1. Experiment with different distances between skittles and launcher to find out what suits you best.
2. You could also change the design of the skittles to make them fall down more easily.
3. You might even redesign the launcher so that ball leaves it at a faster speed!