You can open and close the drawbridge on this K'NEX Castle.
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The model can be built using:
1. A K'NEX Base kit
2. About 80cm (31 inches) of string.
First, assemble the twenty nine 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
Now build the handle by attaching to a red rod:
1. A snap cap black.
2. An orange connector with the rod through the hole in the middle.
3. A purple connector with one end of the string trapped underneath.
4. An orange connector with the rod through the hole in the middle.
5. Three silver spacers.
6. An orange connector end-on to the red rod.
7. A blue rod end-on to the orange connector, as shown.
Finally, run the string over the blue rod above the handle, and through the gap beyond the white connector.
Then tie the other end of the string to the red connector on the end of the drawbridge as shown, and cut off any excess length of string.