This K'NEX model is the ideal base for designing and building your own K'NEX Theme Park ride.
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The model can be built using:
1. A K'NEX Base kit
2. A K'NEX battery motor (any colour).
First, assemble the twelve 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
Finally add to a red rod:
1. A snap cap black.
2. A white connector.
3. A tan clip with the pin pointing towards the white connector.
4. Five silver spacers.
5. A white connector.
6. A tan clip with the pin pointing towards the white connector.
7. A blue spacer.
Push the tan clips along the rod, so that they engage with the white connectors.
Then push the end of the grey rod through the motor as shown.
Your base is now complete.
What next?
Test the model by turning on the motor. The two white connectors rotate.
Think how you could attach more K'NEX rods and connectors to the white connectors, to make a Theme Park ride.
For instance, the lower part of the ride might become a carousel, and the upper part of the ride some form of spinning, seated ride.