This super-strong K'NEX bridge is 93cm (3 feet) long, and is ideal for a railway layout.
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It can be built using a K'NEX Base kit.
First, assemble the forty four 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
Be careful to attach the blue/grey 3D connectors correctly when building this model, as shown in the various photos below.
If you do not do this, your bridge will not be as strong, as the 3D connectors may get pulled apart under load.
Next join the bridge sections and ends together with blue and yellow rods, as shown.
Your bridge is now complete.
As you can see from the photo opposite, the bridge is quite strong!
It can support a weight of 14Kg (32 US pounds).
Note that the yellow rods across the top of the bridge help to give it strength, but you may need to remove them if your train is too tall to pass underneath them.