Two players can enjoy this unique K'NEX board game.
It can be built using:
1. A K'NEX base kit.
2. An extra 36 x K'NEX Rod 16mm Green.
First, assemble the thirty eight 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
Each player now chooses a colour of K'NEX piece to use as their playing counter, and places three of that K'NEX piece on one of the white rods in the corner of the board, as shown.
The white rod in their corner is known as the player's "home base"
The object of the game is to cross the board with all three pieces, and add them onto the blue rod in the opposite corner.
Players take turns to roll the dice, and move any one of their pieces along by the number shown on the dice.
Suggested rules of play are:
1. A player can move any one of their pieces in any direction during their turn.
2. If a player's turn means that they land on a white rod already occupied by one of their opponent's pieces, then the opponent's piece is "captured", and sent back to that player's home base.
3. However, pieces can be made safe from capture by putting two of the same colour piece on a white rod. If that is done, the opposing player is not permitted to land on the same white rod.
4. Note that green rods permit only one piece to occupy them at a any time.
5. For older players, you might also have a rule that they must throw the exact number on the dice to finish on their blue rod.
Other rules may be adopted as desired as play progresses!