Cable cars are often used to take people to the top of snowy mountains. Now you can build a model cable car using K'NEX.
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The model can be built using:
1. A K'NEX Base kit
2. 112 x K'NEX Chain link Small 20mm
3. 2 x K'NEX Sprocket gear Black
Items 2 and 3 above are used in almost all chain-driven K'NEX roller coaster sets.
First, assemble the fourteen 3D connectors shown in the photo opposite.
Please visit Handy Hint A4 if you need help to do this.
Next, build the lower gear wheel assembly on a grey 190mm rod, as shown in the photo, by adding:
1. A snap cap black.
2. A green connector, so that the rod passes through the hole in the connector.
3. Five silver spacers.
4. A Sprocket gear Black.
5. A tan clip, with the pin facing towards the gear wheel
Then, push the tan clip down the rod so that it engages with the gear wheel, and add:
6. Four more silver spacers.
7. Another green connector, so that the rod passes through the hole in the connector.
8. A blue spacer.
9. Five more silver spacers.
10. An orange connector, attached end-on to the rod.
11. A blue rod attached to the other end of the orange connector.
Visit Handy Hint W6 if you are not sure how to do use tan interlocking clips.
For the cable car hanger:
1. Attach a purple clip end-on to a white rod.
2. Attach a snap cap black to a second white rod.
3. Join together two chain links.
Push the white rod with the snap cap through the hole in the purple clip, and then push both rods through the chain links, as shown in the photo.
1. Attach another 109 chain links to the 2 chain links attached to the hanger.
2. Fit the hanger to the top of the coaster car, as shown.
Finally, loop the chain around the two gear wheels, and join the two ends of the chain together.
Test your cable car by turning the handle, which will take the car to the top of the tower.