K'NEX can be used effectively to help pupils of all ages learn about physical science in a practical way. Such an approach can ensure that pupils gain a better understanding of the principles involved, and retain that knowledge longer than if they had learned it only as theory.
Aspects of the Science curriculum that K'NEX can assist with include:
♦ Pushes and pulls
♦ Forces and motion
♦ Balanced and unbalanced forces
♦ Wheels, axles and inclined planes
♦ Pulleys
♦ Gears
♦ Motors
♦ Science investigations
K'NEX challenges based around a science investigation can be particularly effective, for instance:
1. Building a fan with K'NEX which is driven via a gear train, and investigating how different gears can be used in combination to change speed and the direction of motion.
2. Building a catapult out of K'NEX, and adjusting variables in the model to see how far a table tennis ball can be fired (eg length of throwing arm, angle of release, starting position).
3. Building a block and tackle out of K'NEX, and investigating the effect of using pulleys in combination.
Our K'NEX shop includes a number of K'NEX education sets that explore particular aspects of the Science curriculum.