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37 K'NEX Projects
K'NEX Dune Buggy (March 2024)
K'NEX Ball Game
K'NEX Ball Jump
K'NEX Battlebot
K'NEX Board game
K'NEX Cable Car
K'NEX Carousel Ride
K'NEX Castle
K'NEX Catamaran
K'NEX Chair
K'NEX Church
K'NEX Double Buggy
K'NEX Exercise Bike
K'NEX Exoskeleton
K'NEX Golf club
K'NEX House
K'NEX Lighthouse
K'NEX Magnetic Pendulum
K'NEX Mars Rover
K'NEX Measuring Wheel
K'NEX Periscope
K'NEX Racer
K'NEX Railway bridge
K'NEX Rope Spinner
K'NEX Sleigh
K'NEX Spinning Vehicle base
K'NEX Sports Stadium
K'NEX Swing
K'NEX Tabletop Skittles
K'NEX Tenpin bowling
K'NEX Theme Park ride base
K'NEX Tracked Vehicle base
K'NEX Walker
K'NEX Water Wheel
K'NEX Wheeled Vehicle base
K'NEX Windmill
1000 K'NEX Models to build
Classic K'NEX models
Computer-controlled models
Motorised models
More motorised models
Motorised 70-model set
How to use your Battery Motor
Simple Motorised car
Motorised Dune Buggy
Motorised Fairground ride
Motorised Rescue Truck
T Rex
Radio Telescope
Flapping Bird
Walking Scorpion
Models with Flexi rods
Models with Panels
Models with Gears
Thrill Rides
Models with moving parts
More with moving parts
Yet more with moving parts
Bridges, Towers, Buildings
Static models
More Static models
McPherson models
Micro K'NEX models
Micro K'NEX Roller coasters
Other Micro K'NEX models
K'NEX Brick models
K'NEX brick models
More K'NEX Brick models
Kid K'NEX models
Static models
More static models
Yet more Static models
Moving models
Sally Snail and friends 1
Sally Snail and friends 2
Sally Snail and friends 3
Bonus models for Kid K'NEX Budding Builder's Tub
125 K'NEX Challenges
Why set challenges?
30 traditional K'NEX challenges
Baby Buggy challenge
Bear Home challenge
Bridge that Gap challenge
Butterfly challenge
Castle challenge
Crane challenge
Fan challenge
Flower challenge
Frisbee challenge
Golf challenge
Great Book Race challenge
Helicopter challenge
Indiana Jones challenge
Lighthouse challenge
Mars Rover challenge
Motorcycle challenge
Mousetrap challenge
Netball challenge
Railway challenge
Remote Control Jumps challenge
Rocking Horse Challenge
Roundabout challenge
Sleigh challenge
Speed Trials challenge
Swing challenge
Tower of Strength challenge
Tractor challenge
Water Wheel challenge
Wheelbarrow challenge
Windmill challenge
58 Real-life K'NEX challenges
Real-life Towers
Real-life Vehicles
Real-life Bridges
Real-life Thrill rides
Real-life Buildings
20 Maths activities
Activity 1 - K'NEX rods
Activity 2 - K'NEX connectors
Activity 3 - Five sizes of K'NEX triangle
Activity 4 - Learning about triangles
Activity 20 - Pyramid
Activity 21 - Prism
Activity 22 - Nets
Activity 30 - Counting rods and connectors
Activity 38 - Costing with K'NEX
Activity 42 - Abacus
Activity 44 - Estimating with K'NEX
Activity 52 - Ten-pin skittles
Activity 64 - Calipers
Activity 67 - Weighing scales
Activity 69 - Pendulum
Activity 73 - Sundial
Activity 74 - Speed investigation
Activity 82 - Organisation chart
Activity 90 - Four-sided spinner
Activity 95 - Coding machine
17 IT Activities
69 Handy Hints for K'NEX
Rods, connectors, clips (A1-A18)
A1 Rods and Connectors
A2 How to connect
A3 Strong 2D structures
A4 Corners with 3D connectors
A5 Strong 3D structures
A6 Flexi rods
A7 Rigid rods
A8 Hinges
A9 Ball and Socket joints
A10 Clips with rod ends
A11 Handles
A12 Cams
A13 Shafts
A14 Grey 190mm rods
A15 Clips with angled ends
A16 Snap caps
A17 Long axles/Locking a rod into a connector
A18 Rod locks
A19 Curved rods
K'NEX bricks (B1-B3)
B1 Attaching to rods & connectors
B2 Attaching to wheels
B3 Light-up bricks
Computer-control (E1-E6)
E1 Egg-box
E2 Egg-Box electrical
E3 Attaching Egg-Box
E4 Egg-Box simulator
E5 Learn & Go
E6 Using Learn & Go
Gears, chain, spacers (G1-G7)
G1 Standard gears
G2 Snap-on gears
G3 Chain
G4 Rack and Pinion
G5 Spacers
G6 Multi-track gears
G7 Micro K'NEX gears
Micro K'NEX (H1)
H1 Joining to classic K'NEX
Special Parts Fish kit (K1)
K1 Fish kit
K'NEX motors (M1-M17)
M1 Spring Motor
M2 Tethered battery motor
M3 Mains-powered 12v motor
M4 Enclosed battery motor
M15 Motor with separate battery box
M14 Flywheel motor
M8 Control motor
M9 2-speed motor
M10 Solar motor
M11 Controlled motor
M12 Brick motors
M13 Important information about batteries
Hint M17 - Reversing direction of 12v motor
Extra materials (N1-N6)
N2 Cardboard panels
N4 Plastic sheet
N6 Magnets
K'NEX panels (P1-P3)
P1 Triangular panels
P2 Square panels
P3 Alternative to large panel
Roller coasters & Ball coasters (R1-R5)
R5 Ball coaster
R1 Original classic coaster
R2 Current classic coaster
R3 Micro K'NEX coaster
R4 Light-up coaster car
K'NEX special parts (S1-S7)
S1 String
S2 Rubber bands
S3 Skid plate
S4 K'NEX people
S7 Spinner stem
Wheels and axles (W1-W11)
W5 Simple wheels
W11 Monster Truck wheels
W4 Racing wheels
W7 Pulleys
W6 Making rods turn wheels
W10 Micro wheels
W1 Small black wheels
W2 Caterpillar tracks
W3 Hub 3-way
W8 Stub axles
W9 Ratchet
Kid K'NEX Handy Hints (X1-X7)
X1 How to connect
X2 Strong structures
X7 Special parts
X3 Rotating rods
X4 Pivots
X5 Bricks
X6 Body parts
K'NEX storage
Y1 Storage
Troubleshooting tips
20 Free K'NEX downloads
K'NEX + Zoom
About K'NEX
K'NEX in the curriculum
Life Skills
Early Years
Design & Technology
Special Educational Needs
Gifted and Talented
Educational settings for K'NEX
Early Years & Primary schools (age 3 to 11)
Secondary schools (age 12-16)
Post-16 Education and Training
Family Learning
Children's Clubs and Childcare schemes
K'NEX Makerspaces
Home Education
Accredited Learning
K'NEX Professionals
Delivery of K'NEX sessions
Training workshops
Getting Started with K'NEX and Kid K'NEX
Family Learning with K'NEX
K'NEX in children's clubs & childcare
Using Kid K'NEX with 3-7 year olds
Building Bridges with K'NEX
Building Machines with K'NEX
Building Simple Robots with K'NEX and Kid K'NEX
K'NEX Engineering Day
Setting challenges with K'NEX
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